Legacy Church
Legacy Church
Legacy Church
Legacy Church
Legacy Church
Legacy Church
Legacy Church
Kenneth Boroson Architects was selected by Enterprise Builders to join their design/build team to convert a former fitness franchise to a new house of worship.
Malibu Fitness was located in a commercial building on approximately 3.3 acres in Farmington, Connecticut for 17 years. The property was purchased by Legacy Church, Inc. in 2022 to provide much needed space for a growing congregation.
The original weight/fitness area contained wall-to-wall gym equipment in a cavernous 4,100 square feet with a second floor mezzanine. The first floor’s main corridor was lined with locker rooms, bathrooms and a series of offices. Our team designed several different layout options to present to the client.
The final design encompassed the conversion of the main fitness area to an expansive worship area with a 378-seat capacity. It includes a large stage to accommodate the Pastor as well as a variety of musicians. A sound board was provided at the rear.
A circular space, which originally contained the gym’s weight bag, is now a private meeting area known as The Nest.
The original first floor hallway was transformed to a new “Main Street” corridor. Lockers were dismantled, and some space was reallocated to increase the main worship area. Core bathrooms were retained, while some were renovated to adhere to ADA code compliance.
The new Main Street corridor also provides dedicated areas for teens/tweens: a gathering space on one side and a 155-seat worship area on the opposite side. Also provided are classrooms, a café/reception lounge, and storage.
The mezzanine level has been designed for future expansion to include the Pastor’s office and a private conference area for confidential discussion.
Design/build – Adaptive reuse
378-seat worship area with stage; 155-seat children’s worship area; classroom space; café/reception lounge
23,144 sf
Construction Cost:
Withheld upon request
Project Status:
Completed in 2023